安裝 VNC Server 遠端桌面

最近有遠端桌面需求,就來裝一下 VNC

In computing, Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard and mouse events from one computer to another, relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other direction, over a network.

  1. Debian 系,直接 apt update 更新 source list
  2. 直接安裝兩個套件 apt install tightvncserver autocutsel
  3. 啟動 Copy/Paste 功能,編輯 ~/.vnc/xstartup。改為下面:


    xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
    xsetroot -solid grey
    autocutsel -fork
    #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
    #x-window-manager &
    # Fix to make GNOME work
  4. 最後可以透過指令 tightvncserver -geometry 1440x900 啟動一個解析度為 1440x900 的桌面